(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 20:32

x What is your first name?: Patrick
x What is your second name?: Weier
x When is your birthday?: december 17
x What is your zodiac sign?: satittarius

/L/O/O/K/ /A/T/ /M/E/
x Whats your natural hair color?: Dark brownish
x What is your current hair color?: Drk Brownish
x What color are your eyes?: Brown
x Piercings?: none
x Tattoos?: Soon enuff
x Long or Short Hair?: down 2 my eyebrows
straight or Curly?: straight
x How tall are you?: like 5-7
x Whats your shoe size?: like 11

/C/U/R/R/E/N/T/L/Y/ W/E/A/R/I/N/G
x What shirt are you wearing?: motly crew
x What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: red tripp pants
x Socks?: Nike ones.. 2 white
x Underwear?: pot leaves
x Necklaces?: jester charm and a dolphin with gey flag on it
x Braclets?: None right now
x Lipgloss?: None
x Mascara?: Naw
x Eyeliner?: not 2 day
x Any other make up?: nope
x Is your hair up or down?: down

/T/H/I/S/ O/R/ /T/H/A/T/
Rock or Rap: underground rap / rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: cocoa
Baseball or Softball: base ball
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: Either would be nice.
Top or Bottom: top
Front or Back: back
Up or Down: down
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car.
Guy or Girl: girl
Braclette or Necklace: necklace
Pink or Purple: purple
History or Science: history
Sleep in or Early to rise: Sleep in. .
Beach or Boardwalk: Boardwalk
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: Hoodie (no zip up shit
Night Or Day: Night
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
High School or College: High school.
White or Black: black
Jeans or Capris: Jeans.
Love or Fun: I'll take Love.. That is if It come to me...
California or Florida: California.
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: simpleplan
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: Learn to love
Babe or Baby: Babe.
This Or That: ..Fuck you

/H/A/V/E/ Y/O/U/ E/V/E/R/
Kissed the opposite sex?: Yes.
Kissed the same Sex?: Will not go there
Had sex?: See above^^
made out with someone?: Yes.
Hugged someone?: ..Yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Yea... I wonder... nvm
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: Yes.
Gone Skinny dipping?: Naw.
Flashed anyone?: No
Mooned anyone?: yes
Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: No.
Got in a fight with someone (not including siblings)?: Yes.

/T/H/E/ L/A/S/T/
person you talked to in person?: maeghan
person you talked to online?: joe
person you talked to on the phone?: maeghan <3
movie you seen in the theaters?: Emily Rose
thing you ate?: mac and cheese
drank?: beer
laugh?: ?
cry?: dunno
person you kissed?: dont go there
person you told you loved them?: No one
last time you had a shower?: This morning

Do you like surveys?: They keep me occupied.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: suave
Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: Sometime, but I'm more worried about the present and keeping what i have
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: I just.. I dunno
Do you get along with your parents?: Not all the time
Are you old enough to vote?: No.
Are you happy?: kinda
Are you sad?: Not right now.
Do you have mental breakdowns?: Yeah dude
Did you ever tell you parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: yea
Do you have a cell phone: yea but it dpnt work
Are you glad this is over?: Yeah
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