It's beautiful outside today, the windows and doors are open letting in the spring breeze and the sun is shining in a bright blue sky. It was the same two days ago. yay! Yesterday though it was chilly enough that I had to pull out my daughter's Thanksgiving dress for church as well as a colder weather outfit for myself. Looking out in the afternoon I saw the neighbor's little girl running though her backyard in her ski jacket. Go figure. Apparently the threat of frost isn't over here 'till the end of May, though it usually does warm up sooner than that. Anyhow the sunshine is very welcome today :)
Saturday afternoon I picked up a book my husband's best friend lent him that has been lying around for a week or so. It didn't take too long for me to get quite fascinated with it. The book is called
Epicenter and it was written by Joel Rosenberg. If you haven't heard of him, he's the one that wrote a book with a scenario mirroring 9/11 just *before* it happened. Mr. Rosenberg worked in world politics for a number of years and used his imagination plus current events to come up with his storyline. Apparently his following books have had similar predictions come true as well. His works are mostly fiction so it isn't like he's been going around trying to be a fortune teller. Epicenter covers his novels over the last few years and seeks to explain how he came to his conclusions. It also gives some of his speculations on what may happen in the near future. As always, only God knows what will truly happen, but it's interesting to read his book and ponder his thoughts. He is also a Russian Jew and evangelical Christian. Coolies. His blog with frequent updates on world events can be found here: What else. hmm... I need to get my Minnesota drivers license and am not looking forward to the written test. I've been driving since I was 16, but stuff you take for granted can be trickier when they start asking you about the little details. Also my husband is looking forward to a phone call for a 3rd interview with a company that may hire him, which would be great because it would keep him in his field. If he doesn't get it things are going to be really tight around here, so any quick prayers for either are appreciated. Time to go study the MN driver's manual!