Grassroots Gag Order H.R. 2093

May 17, 2007 11:45

Sorry to break in like this, but today and right now a bill is being considered that would inflict severe fines on organizations and people that inform you about what is happening in our government, barring their free speech and your right to know what is going on. A possible first step in many that would cripple our freedoms and rights as Americans.

Fines of up to 50,000.00 four times a year could be imposed on individuals from your local minister to radio talk show hosts and organizations like Focus on the Family, if they violate this order which would cripple and possibly shut down many of them. As an interesting side note, people that are normally in the Christian opposition like the ACLU are also fighting against this bill because it would effect them too.

From Focus on the Family:
"The bill would bury organizations like Focus on the Family in needless paperwork and burdensome reporting requirements any time it communicates to constituents on public policy issues that are before Congress, with the threat of severe fines and criminal penalties."

To sign the ACLJ's (American center for Law and Justice) petition go here:

The ACLJ is seeking to get 200,000 signatures as quickly as possible.

To read more about H.R. 2093 visit this page from Focus on the Family's site:

Please pass it on and help keep this country the land of the free!
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