Jan 18, 2006 10:26
If i ever have kids, they are NOT going to public high school. Its horrible for kids! look what it did to me! lol. and theres some other people i know... yea, about 98% of the assholes, the dumbasses, the bitches and the immature little fuckheads i know are still in high school. Most of them will probably repair their minds once out of high school (sorry jillian you're just a stupid little girl, i thought you'd changed but it looks like it ain't gonna happen. You still haven't realized that people are going to do what they do and say what they want. "Ouch, you're talking about baaaad stuff!!!! my eaaars oooh the horror" shut the FUCK UP. deal with it. like an adult. its not that big of a fucking deal. i smoke some pot. oh no goin to hell. its bad for you. SO IS FUCKING CHOCOLATE! that evil too? don't fucking think so. get a grip) i have decided that i am no longer going to trust anybody. theres no reason to. im not going to distrust everybody or anything, its just that i get nothing out of putting trust in people so why should i do it? if i trust someone, they have the powere to hurt me. period. no benefits, just that. heh. fuck that! scuse me, gotta go spark a blunt. happy tokin. lol. (btw, without weed, i wouldn't be here right now, selling has kept me fed and housed for months now.) I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!! even worse are the ones who have the potential to be great and just fuck it up. lol. do i even have to say it? now let me make something perfectly clear before i depart my java programming class to go get fucked up. with my bashing of highschoolers, im not trying to say im all grown up. on the contrary, i have a long journey of maturing ahead of me. but at least im making a fucking effort. peace everybody. :-D