Post 003: A-Ano...

Aug 29, 2006 11:57


Yeah. Mothra is in my room right now. I mean... I walked back into my room to grab something, and there's a huge moth on my bedpost... It's scary...

C-Could someone come by and like... take it? I... tried throwing something at it, but it...won't go away.

((Yeah, at the moment, Akito is facing his fear of...moths. Agito, inside, is laughing, naturally. Feel free to ask him what the big deal is. XD;; He is literally curled up in a corner of the room as he writes, watching the moth and looking terrified. And fellow Hufflepuffs in the dormitory may have heard a girl scream a few minutes beforehand. Yep. That was Akito.

EDIT: Akito finally got the courage to leave the room, and the moth is now gone... but not from Hogwarts. It's moved to a certain fifth year Ravenclaw's room...))
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