So, today begun Danae and I's trip to NYC. I think I'm going to try to do a daily trip log, just to save the memories. Sorry if it's not very entertaining, you've been warned.
Getting up at 5:30 is NO fun. I managed to score some $95 round trip to NYC tickets through Spirit air, but of course, the times were a little off. Leaving Tuesday, coming back tuesday.. and well.. leaving at 5:30 AM. I figure we can nap when we get there, before heading out, but everytime I book an early morning flight I regret it. Even if you get a nap you're more drained. Next time I'm just going to spend that extra 60 dollars so we leave without having to get up at buttcrack early.
Anyways. Our flight ends up being about an hour late, but I did manage to get some cool shots flying into Laguardia. Yes, I have no idea how to spell it.
After briefly getting lost in the airport, we jumped into a taxi to head to Time Square and checkin to our Vacation Rental. Being that I wanted this to be the Ultimate NYC trip, and because of all the theater we are seeing, I wanted to stay right in the thick of things. So... There were two options.. Spend $300-$400 dollars a night for a hotel, or $150 a night in a vacation rental. Opted for the latter, and we ended up with a pretty cozy place RIGHT next to Timesquare, and right next to where "Lestat" the musical is playing.
After a quick nap, we headed out to the city around 3 PM. For some reason, NYC is ALOT smaller then I imagined it. When I think big city, I think big San Francisco size blocks. These are weeeee blocks, really small, and everything feels really close together (which is a great thing for all the walking I want to do).
Anyways, we jump into a subway and head up to 5th and 59th, the south east corner of Central Park. First stop FAO Shwartz, one of the Ritziest, Fuuuffiet toy stores either of us had ever been in. You could create your own stuffed animals, dolls, hot wheels cars, or even adopt a baby. LOL... They had behind glass 2 rows of babies, setup all nursery style like you're at the hospital, with a big sign "Adopt a baby today!" or something equaly corny. I look down the row, and at the end there's an employee all dressed up like a nurse changing one of their DIAPERS, and explaining to people how by "Filling out simple adoption papers, you can bring home your own baby today". haha... I got some good video.
We then walked down 58th down to the Jekyl and Hyde club, a horror themed restaurant with constant entertainment. Pretty cool place, so we decided to pickup an dinner here.
From there we headed directly into the Concrete Jungle. Tall buildings every block, you start to get a kink in your neck after a while. I've been to alot of cities in my day, but never one as dense as this. It was cool to see, but at the same time, made me really appreciate good city planning. I'm reminded back to Portland, Oregon, where they required all buildings to stay within their blocks and dedicate 3% of their space to art. I dunno. I like cities, but well, some of it just wasn't that pretty.
Eventually we ended up down at Rockefeller Plaza (Also alot smaller then I imagined it), but still very pretty.
Further down the street we made it to our first musical of the week, "Wicked", which probably one of the best musicals I've ever seen.
The fact that we probably had the best seats at such a show, probably helped (5 rows back from the front, right in the center). The 2 lead actresses were simply amazing. To be upclose and see their facial expressions, and how much each of them got into their roles was just cool. The talent just oozed off the stage. The first act was definately better then the second, but this was most likely due to the better songs therein. During the second act the actress Galinda starts singing the a-typical sad "Time to Die" song, but while she's singing it tears start falling down her face. To see an actress make this transformation, to see how deep she made herself get into the role, was really impressive.
After the musical we grabbed a few groceries, dropped them off at the apartment, and took a walk around Time Square. It is simply amazing the amount of lights and billboards plastered about the place. It puts Pickadilly Circus in London to shame. While walking we found the locations of most of the plays we'll be seeing in the next few days. Tomorrow it's Lestat and Wednesday Spamalot.
Our last stop of the night was the Sbarro, accross the street from our place, for a slice of pizza. Now I'm sitting on the couch of our place, stealing someone's wireless, and trying to plan out what all we're going to do tomorrow.
Besides the circle line boat tour, I'm not sure what else is in the cards. Stay tuned.