Apr 15, 2005 20:04
*on weekends, the strange man downstairs has his strange girlfriend over and they spend a lot of time in their bathroom, giggling. i can hear them through the vents in my bathroom.
*today i spent $80 at tjmaxx on grown up clothes. well, $79 on clothes, and $1 to the autism fund.
*there is a large sprig of kale hidden somewhere in my house. i dropped it while cooking this evening, and before i had a chance to pick it up, the cat had decided she wanted to play with it.
*KELLER WILLIAMS AND STRING CHEESE ARE PLAYING AT AN ALL DAY FEST AT GREATWOODS IN JULY. and yes, it's greatwoods, not tweeter center. i'm old school.
*i got paid to receive a manicure today. gotta love job training canyon ranch style.
*i officially have motivation to clean out my closet and throw it all away. i need to act fast.
likes: jeopardy. myspace. green. spring! attractive boys who maintain silent eye contact. ;) working out (who knew?).
dislikes: crackwhore mascara smudges. my legs. how talkative i've become. no more phish.