Nov 07, 2005 22:19
some days are clearer than others, and some days i still feel an overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt. a healing energy testament which i have recently adopted as my individual bible and guru for the time being has asked me the very deep and difficult question of whether i am willing to betray others that i love to stay true to myself...and the conclusion that i have come to is yes. i only have one me, i only have one life, and it's screaming for me way, way too loudly for me to be content with being stuck at home alone every night flipping through the channels until 3am peering through the blinds each time a car drives by and ultimately going to bed alone, cold, and crying.
so that's that.
i'm eating like a caveman lately. well, minus the fresh raw meat part. i need to get back into an acceptable diet...definetely cut the sugar, salt, and maybe even dairy again for a while to do a sort of cleansing. i guess eliminating all the beer might do me some good, but that is NOT an option. it is the beginning of the winter season in new england and that can only mean one out of many good things...completely orgasmic live music, and live music and beer go hand in hand in my book. on a related note....i was asked if i wanted to go to nyc to see the biscuits on new years eve, and i am THRILLED. this may be the closest thing to filling my phish void since....well, phish.
mind you, i said closest. not equivalent.
ps: i am OBSESSED with perpetual groove.
likes: the funk. the sky. old school trey band. smells that evoke emotions. floppy hat season. good times. good people. dance therapy.
dislikes: trash night. being cold. bad breath. drama. saw bathrooms. phonies.