Life, orange juice, and other things.

Apr 07, 2011 23:40

So Livejournal is, like, broken, or something.  For some reason it keeps falling off the face of the internet every few minutes, which is annoying, because I have NCIS spoilers to read, True Blood picspams to view (mega thanks to jenpero  for putting up the Tara/Lafayette one!  Been looking forward to it for ages), and a recent Criminal Minds episode to comment on (short version: liked it, didn't love it.  Needed more emphasis this week and last week on Prentiss' death, expected more tears/shock.  Loved Hotch for doing their assessments, loved Garcia for wanting to talk about how Emily always made her smile.  This week's unsub felt kind of like it had been done before though).

Am running precariously low on orange juice, and am totally out of oranges.  Woe.  This is serious, because for some reason I've been on a crazy orange kick for about a week now.  I've always been addicted to OJ - when I was a kid I used to beg my parents for fresh squeezed orange juice the way most kids beg for Coke.  But now I also declare oranges to be the best food in the entire world.

The Boy just left, and I'm kind of undecided about my next move in this situation.  He's going overseas for work for the next 5 weeks or so, and is already saying stuff like "I wish I didn't have to go, I'm going to miss you so much," blah blah blah commitmentcakes.  So it's probably bad that while I'm saying stuff like "Oh yeah, I'm going to miss you too," what I'm really thinking is "OMG yay, five weeks off!".  I know that sounds sort of callous and evil, and I kind of don't deserve someone as sweet as him.  But part of the reasoning is that for the last few months I've been living with my mother and brother (temporary situation due to the timing of leases on various properties being up), and I only get a couple of nights per week to myself - tonight happened to be one night where they're both at work (in my mother's case), and at an overnight basketball tournament (in my brother's case).  So when I get a night to myself, I kind of rejoice a little, and as much as I like The Boy, I really kind of need that time to myself, you know?  The good thing is, he seems to get it, in a way - we still do the whole stay/I can't/it's up to you/I really want to/that's okay/I'm really sorry routine, and it still always ends with both of us in our respective beds.  I just can't deal with any more "togetherness" in one night, but it would sound kind of mean to say to him "look, I really like spending part of night with you.  I especially enjoy the part of the night that includes multiple orgasms.  But now I really just want to watch Lost, so if you don't mind, the door's that way".  Hmmm.  I think maybe I'm a mean person.

EDIT:  Whoa, okay, I just re-read, and realised I sound like kind of a mega-slut - when I say "five weeks off", I don't mean five weeks to shag everything in sight while he's away.  We're not actually in a relationship, so if I was with other people it wouldn't be cheating and I wouldn't hide it from him, but what I meant was "OMG yay, five weeks of my alone time being uncompromised".  I'm excited about being a hermit, not a whore.  Just to clarify :)

the internet, woe, lost, the boy, orange juice, criminal minds

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