Mar 11, 2011 01:13
I've just been doing my twice/thrice weekly twitter rounds, and it struck me that there's a couple of things going on with various celebrities that I wanted to mention, so here we go:
*Firstly, Sarah Monahan. Around 12 months ago I posted about what was going on with the Hey Dad! scandal, so anyone unfamiliar can search my previous entries if they want background information. A Current Affair ran another story earlier this week about it - Sarah is now going to sue Hughes, as well as Channel 7 and some of the executives involved. She's right, the best way to make a point to these people is to hit them where it hurts - their wallets. I still hope Hughes is charged one day (in fact, I hope he's thrown into a 6 x 6 cell in a filthy Singapore prison and left for the rats to feast on - hey, why not dream big?), but in the meantime, I hope the civil suit works out well for Sarah. I found a few episodes of the show online a couple of months back and watching them now is really disconcerting. The nostalgia and sadness hit me in pretty much equal amounts even a year after knowing the truth about what was going on behind the scenes, so I can't even imagine what it must be like for the women Hughes physically abused. Sarah, if you're reading this: you've got my unconditional support. I know that might sound a little bizarre coming from a random anonymous blogger you've never met, but Jenny Kelly is still my fictional little sister, and you're still an amazingly strong and inspirational woman.
*Charlie Sheen. Look, I know I went there. In my last post, I made a Charlie-Sheen-is-crazy joke. This is the internet, he's a celebrity, and that's what happens. A famous person goes off the rails, and we enjoy the circus. Some would argue it even comes with the territory - being famous has its perks, but it also means you can't go insane in the comfort and privacy of your own home. And let's be honest, he's acted like quite a knob in recent weeks. But to quote something Ice T said on twitter (and yes, I do think of Ice as a source of wisdom. Make of that what you will) we're all having a lot of fun with Charlie Sheen, but I hope he lands his plane safely. I really mean that - because I might watch the media frenzy, roll my eyes at his totally off the wall interviews, and think he's being a raving lunatic, but I'm not a complete asshole. In fact, I kind of wish I could give him a hug and make everything okay. I just really hope he can sort all this crap out, and that he gets the help he needs. Oh, and that news story a few nights ago about his relationship with his "goddesses"? Um, I'll take biased and unfair journalism for $200 Alex. I mean, okay, considering Sheen's behaviour and mental state right now, I'd have to question the motives/judgement of anyone who wants to take on a relationship with him, but that doesn't give the media the right to imply that being in a polyamorous relationship means he's a nutjob. Firstly, they've got more than enough to go on anyway, and secondly, way to be judgemental assholes. Monogamy is not for everyone, and just because it's not strictly "traditional", doesn't mean polyamoury is crazy.
*Ice-T. Look, I'm just going to say it - I love Ice-T. No, I really do, there is no sarcasm here at all. Say what you want about his acting (and I happen to sincerely think he's good. Not everyone can pull off being a mutant kangaroo in a Lori Petty movie), the guy has style. Maybe I'm biased because I met him once, and he was just the sweetest, classiest guy you could imagine, but I think a lot of people try to demonise him uneccessarily. Yeah, some of his songs have offensive lyrics, that's a reflection of the way he grew up. I know some people don't like the fact that he sang "Cop Killer", then decided to play a detective on TV, but that's his decision. Some twitter people got in his face last week and said he's a misogynist - those people are clearly overly sensitive whiners who take colloquialisms too literally. He answered them wonderfully - he said he has respect for all the beautiful and strong women who he is NOT referring to when he talks about "bitches". I get where he's coming from - when I say "men suck", I don't mean literally all of them, I'm generalising. Unfairly, maybe, but it's pretty obvious what I mean. My point here is, some people are just determined to hate him, but I am a loyal FLTG member :)
*Paget Brewster. My god, I'm going to miss her so much! I love Emily Prentiss. It's looking like she'll be killed off, and I'm actually dreading it. Losing Elle and Gideon wasn't great, but whatever, life went on. Losing JJ sucked, but at least there's cameo potential (and I don't hate Seaver as much as the rest of the fandom seems to - okay, she's not a part of the family yet, but she'll get there). Losing Emily, well, that's going to suck worse than anything on this show has sucked ever before. I'll cry if she dies. And I'll track down whichever CBS puppet made the decision to fire Paget Brewster, and I'll kick him/her in the goods.
That's all for now, Patch out :)
EDIT: "Should Experiment not earn a series order, the actress has a cushy Plan B to fall back on: Minds‘ producers have invited her to return next season as a full-fledged series regular. " Oh, woot! That means they're NOT killing her off. I knew they offered to renegotiate with her (must have had something to do with the shit fit all the fans pitched when AJ and Paget were fired) and she told them she still wanted to be let out - I don't blame her, after they fired her like that. Still, now at least there's hope. And if she DOES get killed off, then decides to rejoin the show, hopefully they'll take the pretending-she-died-but-was-really-just-put-in-witness-protection route. I know it's hokey, but I'd take ANY ridiculous plot line if it meant Emily would stay.
the internet,
charlie sheen,
paget brewster,
hey dad!,
criminal minds,