Jul 18, 2006 18:12
Well it turns out I can finally add a couple of pictures to my journal, so here it is...
The two best pictures of me taken within the last three years. I'm kinda cute, eh?
On a separate note; I was woken up to the ringing of my phone...wondering who the hell was calling me so early in the morning, I reached for the obnoxious item to stare at the number (I had yet put my contacts in). I was about to silence the ringer, when something caught my eye...what?! Why, yes it is!! It is a european phone number. The last time I saw one of those was when I was trying to woo a certain someone in South Africa. I answered the phone...and who could it be?
My brother. The only man in my life I have loved through it all. I haven't seen him in almost 4 years and havent spoken to him in over 3. And he calls. From Spain. What an intense feeling that is. Within seconds of the call, I hear this tiny voice on the line. "Hola tia", she says to me. Ahhh...that would be my almost 4 year old niece...the joy of my life. I used to hold this tiny creature and let her fall asleep on me. I used to feed her, play with her, sing to her...everything. Apparently she speaks better spanish than I do, but that's not fair...her mother's urugauyan (sp?) and my brother is fluent in several languages. lol
I'm on a natural high that cannot be described. He's calling tomorrow (hopefully), right before I leave town.
E's taking me to Six Flags Fiesta Texas...which should be fun, yet terrifying since I'm scared of roller coasters. *nervous laugh*
But, for those who know me...you'll know that finally speaking to my brother, one of my best friends, will help me with anything. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll get one of those pictures taken with me screaming like a girl at the top of the roller coaster (no offense to girls) - that is, of course, if E can convince me to get on one. Good luck to her and the people in the vicinity.