Lost finale

May 24, 2010 19:48

Aloha to Sayid and Lost................................

Life goes by in the blink of an eye.  I am still processing the finale of Lost but some things I would like to share.  It was about many things: love, loss, loyalty, light, liberation and LIFE.  To have it begin and end with Jack's eye made me think of how quickly time passes and how important it is to grab hold of who and what you love and hang on.  We are ships (or planes) passing in the night and day and every interaction we have with someone can impact them forever.  Shannon needed someone to believe her and Sayid was there for her.  Hurley needed someone to have faith in him and Jack gave him that.  Charlie needed to kick drugs and Locke helped him.

To quote my favorite band U2
"One love, One blood,
One Life you got to do what you should,
One life with each other,
Sisters, Brothers

One life but we're not the same
We get to carry each other, carry each other

So thanks for carrying me.   LOVE and HUGS to all.    

naveen, lost

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