Apr 22, 2008 13:15
Alright, let me cash in on two things which are bugging me about what I hear coming back from America:
- I no longer care who the Democratic nominee is. I still support John Edwards. That being said, I think it is Hilarious (with a capital H) that all three nominees appeared on WWE last night, using pro wrestling catch phrases to try to appeal to... whatever demographic that would be. Mostly people of non-voting age, I'm sure. Anyway, I sincerely hope that the slogan "Whatchu gonna do when the McCainiacs run all over you?" catches on. He was the only one that came across like he was actually enjoying himself (and appropriately enough, most wrasslin' fans are more towards the red than blue anyway).
-Bill Maher should not have to apologize for picking on Catholics. Sure. It's hate speech. But you know what? Not all hate speech is destructive. That being said, I have to give Bill O'Reilly credit for calling him out on it, saying that if Maher was poking fun at Jews, Muslims, or any other denomination it would be an absolute shitstorm in the eyes of the media and general public. The idea that it is somehow "okay" to pick on Catholics is an interesting social phenomina, but I don't see how that is Maher's fault. Most of the accusaitions against him I've heard are so far off topic or non-logical that they're not worth mentioning.
Okay. That's it. Off to an audition. Gotta mentally prepare myself for public humiliation and high energy. 'til later...