what was the last thing that you said

Mar 07, 2012 16:00

look at me posting after ten years. guess i got over a lot of things bc i don't have internet in my home. oh well.  my boss approved all my vacation time for the summer! yay! well.... i have to remind him about it sooner to the time im actually going bc he said he will forget otherwise. i am completely prepared to battle anyone at my job to the death if i don't get my vacation time especially since i put it in MONTHS before hand. i don't care who has a kid is sick, or someone has an anniversary or is going to vegas. i will shank them all if my vaca is denied. punks. haha

i'm excited to go home. although i looked up air fare and it's going to be like $600. where am i getting this money? idk. i still feel weird asking my parents for money even though i don't think they will mind bc they will get to see me but i just feel like i shouldn't be taking handouts anymore. oh well that's the only way i can get home without living off of vegetables and water for the next couple of months so whatever.

i've been reading a lot lately. it's kind of sad bc everytime i bring in a new book at work everyone is looking to see what it is but then when i ask them if they have ever heard of it they are like "oh i don't read. i don't like reading." wtffff i never knew so many people who don't like to read or haven't even heard of  a lot of classic literature. makes me think these people have been living under a rock.

i had a dream last night about claudia. well it started off that i was walking to my apartment but it was all different like i was back in white plains or something and then it was actually amber at first and we both lived in the same building and we both just looked at each other  a few times but had nothing to say bc obviously it was the first time we saw each other since we stopped being friends. alan was there too and he started getting angry and asking me why we don't talk after all this time. i brushed him off and walked up the stairs but he kept going on and on so i just walked back down and decided not to go home after all. then it turned into claudia yelling at me that she didn't want to just be a "sometimes" friend and i just kept thinking that i didn't know what was wrong with that and that is exactly how it was always going to be. and then i woke up.

i'm just going to assume that bc of all of the stress i have been feeling between yesterday and today that my body decided to bring up some old shit that my mind tries to forget. oh well. i've been freaking out about my future and all of the money i owe. it's really annoying to be stressed. i wish i could just fix everything and move on. but we all know there isn't a quick fix for anything.

the other day at work apparently my boss was on a tirade so everyone was all pissed off the entire day which was REALLY annoying bc as usual i was extra cheery. i'm really grateful for my ability to ignore the fact that things suck but decide to have a good day at work anyways. everyone was just all grumpy and no one wanted to talk to anyone and i understand that everyone has their days but coming from management, i expect you to man up and stop acting like a child. you can't just bury your head in  a project and ignore everyone else the rest of the day bc you are angry.
then yesterday they really dropped the ball with numbers and apparently my boss called every single hour to talk to them and make sure they were doing what they were supposed to. robyn told me he was threatening her and saying maybe bc she can't get control of the front end of the store that she shouldn't have that job. i was like "oh snap!" she told me she doesn't respond to threats. iiiii on the other hand am a good seed and respond well to threats depending on the situation. mainly i absolutely REFUSED to be put on blast the next day for bad numbers so we managed to be on goal by the end of the night and i did a victory lap and a big IN YOUR FACE! to the people who worked in the morning.
and no, not every day is wonderful when i am working as far as numbers but it feels really good when you are on the better end of things when your boss is angry.

i've been looking at a lot of blogs lately and people have been talking about what kind of music they listen to. they think it's almost uncool that they don't really listen to any newer music and that  they are still stuck on their old favs from high school and their younger years. i don't really see what is wrong with that. if you have music that you are absolutely in love with and never get tired of then damn, go ahead and blast that shit every day if it makes you feel amazing. i listen to my old stuff all of the time. mostly bc i haven't purchased that much music in the last 2 years but also bc some stuff is just soooo awesome how could i NOT want to keep listening to it until the end of forever? and really.. who doesn't get excited when they hear that old ass Nysnc song on the radio?? yeah. thought so.
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