Mar 15, 2011 03:00
i went to the dmv to finally see about a california license and getting new plates for my car. the dmv is all weird here. you can make appointments but i forgot about that so i just went down there to wait in the huge line that wraps around the building. you have to wait for what i think might be an hour. i decided not to note what time i got there just bc i knew it would make me more antsy every time i moved two feet. there was some creepy guy in line behind me of course bc i naturally attract weirdbeards. and he looked all homeless and kind of gross and he kept calling people every two minutes. i started to think that maybe he was just talking to himself and not actually making phone calls. i thought it must kind of suck to always need to be talking to someone. oh note to people who look gross and homeless, you shouldnt use bluetooth bc then it makes it seem as if you are talking to yourself which makes people want to talk to you even less. anyways! we finally got to the door and i was like yaaaaaay i can stop fidgeting out of boredom and impatience. and then i started thinking about how i would politely tell the creeper that i was just being nice and i didnt really feel like talking to him if he tried talking to me. and low and behold two minutes after i had that thought he started talking to me! fml right? he was asking me who took care of my hair and if i ever wanted a hair hook up i could ask for him at some salon blah blah and i just kept staring at his gross teeth and all the spaces that were missing and thinking how first impressions are everything and how i would never let him touch my hair and i just gave him side glances and mumbled answers until he stopped asking. gladly he took the hint i guess and stopped talking so that was a relief.i didnt get my license or plates by the way bc for my license i needed some sort of birth document which i did not think to bring and for my plates it cost some ungodly amount so i was like ok fuck that ill come back the next of never.
i kept wishing the guy in front of me was super yummy but he wasnt. he had all the elements of things i like, cool glasses, flannel, nice jeans, nice facial hair but he just wasnt sexy. i havent seen anyone totally yum that wasnt busy hitting on some girl who got herself preggo too soon in life for a while now. after an hour of staring at the back of his flannel shirt it got me thinking about some weird fantasy i guess alan told me a long time ago about a sexy lumberjack chopping wood and being all sweaty and then having sex with him. clearly alan and i have different taste in men and i really didnt see some sweaty musky dude being overly attractive unless it was like the guy in the Axe commercials or something. Alan is funny and strange. i miss him. i keep thinking of fun stuff to do when he gets here. like a picnic and beach time and santa barbara other random shit im sure he wants to do. yay fun!
i decided to go to Santa Clarita today after the dmv. i am starting to only go to the same places so i need to change that bc its not as fun and california is a big state so lots to see and do! i went to dick's sporting goods to check out backpacks and other cool stuff i might need for traveling. i went to Mcdonald's for lunch and i think it made me all sleepy. i was all fine and then i ate that shit and was seriously about to take a nap in the middle of the parking lot. it just made me think of all those things they say about fast food and why its bad for you. i guess its bc i dont eat it as much as i used to my body was all in disagreement. haha
i learned the other day that a lot of the trees are slanted bc of the wind. today i went to the park and it was super nice but the wind kind of fucks all of that up. even when you are sitting in the sun. when i came home i looked out my patio doors and noticed the trees are reallllly slanted in the crazy lol. and everyone keeps telling me about how my first summer here is going to be so crazy. i know i am going to die and probably pass out at work when we have a lack of proper air conditioning.
booked my flight to go to the canary islands with lizzie. fun! i looked it up today and its looks very pretty. there were a lot of pictures of the beach and i remembered that in other countries old men wear speedos a lot. hahaha
i took an accidental nap a few hours ago. i was watching some netflix and then next thing i know i woke up and the screen was blank and i was all like.."hmm wtf, when did i close my eyes?" i guess i was super tired. i guess i just need a super lazy day. i have been meaning to have a long day at the beach but i always manage to do something else.