♔ ...

Mar 11, 2010 19:14

Oh shiiiiiz. I haven't posted anything since September, if not longer. I'm actually on lj everyday (stalking my f-list /creepy smile), but making regular entries requires self-discipline that I... don't have.

To recap:

• This school year has been kind of shitty. Transferred.
• But on an up side, there's an Asian plaza right next to us and I've frolicked in greasy Chinese and bubble tea.
• On a down side, I've gained five pounds.
• I'm Asian failing math, bbs.
• Asian failing overall, actually. My 86% average this term roused the evil known as Vista parental control. For you Americans, us poutine-eating lumberjacks of the great land of the maple leaf mark differently. That's an A.
• I started roleplaying again.
• I got a cell phone, yeeees!
• I applied for a one month stay in Quebec. I will be sure to make the lovely citizens want to gouge their eyes out hearing my french ho ho ho.
• I finished Brilliant Legacy (K-drama) in record time. Amazing because I rarely finish shows, and doubly amazing because Asian romances usually make me want to punch someone.
• Also started watching Supernatural again, wouldn't mind me a piece of Jensen Ackles mmmm. Twenty episodes thus far, there seems to be a correlation between level of creepiness and love for floaty white dresses (and long black hair).



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