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May 07, 2008 11:09

I have been trying to get adequate sleep lately, and succeeding!  I slept 8 hours one night last week, and as w/ past experiments, it was too much.  Since then I've slept a solid 7 every work night... and I.... feel.... GREAT!.

I've also been exercising (via walking/running Beaux) enough and eating better.  That little trifecta has me feeling sharp as a whistle!  Fit as a cucumber!  WOW!

I even kind of followed through on a plan to make better use of my free time.  I get tired and guilty when I do nothing in life that I'm not required to do (other than walking the dog, which I prioritize even when I don't really feel like it).  I've had the thought/plan to use my Tuesdays between noon (when I get off work) and 5 or 6pm (when I start w/ clients) as 'career development' time... either reading or researching or doing Continuing Ed stuff (required for my license maintenance).  Yesterday was the first I've really moved in any real way on that.

The other prong on that plan is to make Thursdays non-social for the sake of using my evening for something creative - most likely writing.  I actually have a couple projects that I can/should be working on and haven't done more than the initial action.  This is exciting to me.  I've always said I want to/will write, but never had the direction.  Now I definitely have something I can explore w/o any foreseeable end.  I have kind of an art thing I want to do too, so there's that.  It's hard for me to take a day off of the socialization calendar, but I've done that more and more lately since getting the dog.  I don't mind.  It's given me time to fill. 
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