100 Things Post 58

Jun 17, 2012 12:29

100 things I love about fandom post 58: (can you believe it?)

This morning is my last day of vacation. I go back to the ED tonight at 11p. In any case, I took advantage of the time by reading through my lj f-list and DW reading page. So glad to connect with friends again.

And I found this fic on LJ: "Having Been Told" by pir8fancier. A wonderful post- 'The Reichenbach Fall' story that is as sharp, painful and well written as the episode.

I also found this vid on DW: "It's Better To Have Loved" by
dkwilliams. Beautiful work as only Diana can do. Also post-'Reichenbach Fall'.

There are so many post-Reichenbach Fall stories which is understandable. After all, it's the end of season 2. The episode ends on a cliff hanger. It's a very pivotal episode. Very powerful. And there are going to be several months (maybe over a year!) before we see the episode resolved.

When thinking back to Highlander, I remember being amazed at how many rape stories post-Deliverance as well as CAH/REV 6:8 stories were in the fandom. Of course, I came in late, so the storyline had already been resolved. But, boy, were those stories out there.

I think the most disappointed I've been in a series' cliffhanger resolution was with season 2 of Hawaii 5-0. They resolved the situation in about 15 minutes which was ludicrous. Steve being in jail for the framed murder of the Governor had so much potential. And it just kind of fell flat.

Puts me in mind of Dallas when they had Pam Ewing wake up and the entire past season was a dream. Bah!

But I have high hopes about Sherlock. I don't feel the creators and writers will let us down. In the meantime, I am so impressed with the quality of fiction and vids being generated as the fandom tries to bring closure to the storyline while we wait.

This entry is also posted at http://pat-t.dreamwidth.org/719061.html with

fic rec, 100 things, vid rec

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