Today is my LJversary. Let's look back, shall we?
Two years ago I...
- Lived in an apartment in San Francisco
- Worked at a job I disliked for mean attorneys and swore I was going to leave soon
- Watched way too much crappy reality TV
- Would have probably spent a random Saturday walking to see a movie at the Metreon and then stayed in the rest of the day wasting time on the Internet or watching weird shows on the Discovery Channel
- Had a crazy crush on Johnny Depp
- Posted a hell of a lot more than I do now
Today I...
Live in a townhouse in the heart of suburbia
Work at the same damn job for the same damn attorneys, but I am leaving in two weeks for certain
Still watch way too much crappy reality TV
Am going to spend my random Saturday renting an SUV to pick up a dresser and crib mattress and maybe a glider
Am going to be someone's mother in four and a half weeks.
Have a crazy crush on Johnny Depp
Weigh more than I did then (but it's for a good cause)
Some things change, some things don't. Happy LJversary to me, and thanks to all of you for putting up with me for two years!