Jun 07, 2011 16:31
[The feed starts. Some of you might recognize the area, others might not - it's not that popular anymore. Right now, you see, Kinzo is traversing the Ilex Forest, and he's having quite the time of it. He looks fairly roughed up, for a great number of reasons, but he looks like the reason he's turning on the feed is for reasons... other than his own safety. His expression doesn't give much away. Is he worried? Is he angry? Depending on who you are, how you last left him, you might have your own reason for believing something.]
... I... need to know something. I beg of you, those of you who have the information and answers I seek-- Regardless of the events of the past few days...
Indeed...! Regardless of impostors and fantasies and of... things of that manner... [Kinzo shakes his head, raising a hand to wipe his brow.] This is-- This is of... vital importance to me. No matter what state I am in... This is... more important than that.
[Kinzo takes a breath. A long, deep breath. He stops, to lean against a tree. Though a certain someone has compared him to the madman he is to become, this is hardly the case, and right now, more than ever, it shows through the conflicted expression on his face. His Wingull, perched on his shoulder as always, looks somewhat worried, but is otherwise silent as Kinzo keeps traveling through the trees and whatnot.]
These accursed nightmares... Of all times, must they plague me now...? And why of poor, little Maria...!? What sort of monster would even dream up such a...!? And of all times, when I must deal with that damned woman, walking around with the face of my Bice...!?
[Kinzo takes a deep breath. He is here for a reason. He is a soldier. He is to be the Ushiromiya head. He did not come here to vent his woes. He closes his eyes and straightens himself. That damned, disgusting witch can die for all he cares - he has far more important matters to attend to, far more worrying ones.]
Someone - no, anyone! Anyone at all! Confirm for me the locations and, more importantly, health of the following people: Ushiromiya Maria, Ushiromiya Lion, and Ushiromiya Jessica. [Kinzo pauses... shuddering? Yeah, he looks visibly disturbed about something.] It is of the utmost importance that I know, at the very least, that Ushiromiya Maria is safe and that no harm has befallen her. I would greatly appreciate this information, the sooner the better at that!
[Kinzo pauses again, looking like he greatly desires to say more, but he stops there. That's enough for now. He can ask if any others are being plagued by strange nightmares another time. For now... finding out if Maria is safe is the most important thing. ... Instead, he scowls.]
... As for any who claim to be "witches" but are not, for those who steal the faces and names of those who they are not, and to any and all other liars of this manner out there... And, of course, to any who use the title "Golden Witch" and cannot even understand the origin of such a name... If your like have fallen to the very depths of hell itself...!!
I do not mind at all. Your kind deserve all of this and more.
ilex forest,