mysterious ingot ♚ video/action

May 28, 2011 21:08

Just where is this music coming from...!? I demand that it be halted immediately!! It was enjoyable the first time, to an extent, but this is simply too much! It's been going on for over twelve hours now--!!

I'd almost rather that infernal noise that normally plays during the day, for all this has done. I'm going to go deaf at this rate...!

[Kinzo, unfortunately, hasn't been granted any powers today. He hasn't been granted any special Pokemon either. Oh no, he's been granted with something much, much stronger.]

... ~ ♪ ~ OH DESIRE ~ ♪ ~ ...

[Kinzo has been granted with the enchanting melody of DESIRE. While it's only at the volume of normal background music, it gets increasingly louder the more you listen. What is the cure to this DESIRE, you ask?

Be a Beatrice. Should a Beatrice appear, in that thread... The DESIRE will vanish instantly. Or you can just, you know, ignore it. A distraction is fine too. Especially since Kinzo has found himself in Azalea Town.]


video, action, azalea town

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