Mar 07, 2008 22:59
If you have not seen this movie yet I highly recommend it. At the end of the movie some really good points are brought up about America's de sensitivity to violence.
The basic concept of the movie is that Diane Lane (Cherry Valance from the Outsiders) plays an FBI agent who works in the computer fraud department. SHE and here team watch the World Wide Web for offensive material and then shut them down. They are successful with their tasks UNTIL a new site open KILLWITHME.COM. The killing starts with a house cat trapped in glue trap for mice. People log to the web site to see the impending death. Then the killing accelerates to a man and continues..but wth the next killing...the more people that log on the faster the man is killed. The killings are pure genius and bring back memories of the original Saw movie and JigSaw. At the end of the killer explains why he did what he did and speaks to the killing on the web and what he thinks the next logical step would be.
I saw this movie with my brother and based on what was discussed at the end of the movie we debated back and forth on how realistic it was. I personally believe that unfortunately.....with our society today I believe it is.
Let me know if you have seen the movie and what you thoughts are??