Mar 23, 2005 21:16
Had three magical days off. Decided to end my little vacation from reality by watching Sense and Sensibility which is on right now. Talked to a friend about possibly finding out certain episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I only want to see a certain seaseon and couldn't figure out which one it was- looking forward to getting my little hands on them *hehe*
Only had two phone calls from chef today so its not too bad. Work is just work now and not my life like it was. I can't believe I only have two weeks left of full time work there. I was hoping to end it sooner, but just thankful for other opportunities it has brought forth to me.
Can't wait to go home on the 3rd. Its been forever and a day since I have seen my family. I miss my brother somethign fierce and he too is going to try and come home. I just want to be with my parents and sisters for a while, ya know?
My friends from home will never change and I thank my lucky stars for that. They give me stability when I am off balance and comedy when I am being too serious, but most of all unconditional love, even when I feel as though I dont deserve it from them. We can't party like we used to, but we can still have one mean get together- looking forward to it*grin*
bed time...almost time to make the donuts lol