Here comes more snow - woofreakinhoo!

Feb 05, 2004 20:13

Its going to snow again tonight which means I can sleep in late since no one will be at work to let me in until 11am! I am super excited and just went to rent Finding Nemo lol. I haven't seen it yet, and heard it was a keeper. I also bought some new CDs. Millennium Hip Hop, Enrique and Marc Anthony. The latter two are because the guys at work are taking me to a Salsa club and I have to get used to the beats lol. The first CD has PM Dawns' Set a Drift on Memory Bliss which is one of my all time fav. rap songs. I know- you look at me and think- isn't she just a tree hugging hippie? Well looks can be very deceiving because no, I am not lol.

I admit to being way laid back, but musically- I just like diversity. I like being able to sing along to any station. I was hoping to see 3 Doors Down perform in NY but missed it *sigh* They are my new favorite band. I usually don't listen to "todays" music. I prefer classic rock to pop any day. But 3 Doors Down is amazing IMO- I love their accents too! Makes me want one *grin*
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