Land of Bacon and Beavers

Mar 22, 2005 18:08

[What time are you starting this?:]: 11:35

[Name?]: Sam

[Date of birth?:]: August 7, 1989

[Sex?:]: How much?

[Height?:]: 6'0"

[Eye color?:]: Hazel...i think they change

[Have you ever failed a grade?:]: No

[Do you have crush on someone?:]: Sure

[Do you have a bf/gf?:]: No

[What are you wearing right now?:]: Boxers and Sox

[Would you have sex before marriage?:]: Yea

[Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?:]: No

[Are you a virgin?:]: Yes

[Do you smoke?:]: Nope

[Do you drink?:]: Like...liquids? Sure...alcohol..nope, not rlly

[What are your favorite colors?:]: Blue, Silver, Black

[What is your favorite animal?:]: Llamas, Penguins, Monkeys

[Do you have any birthmarks?:]: On my leg

[Who are your best friends of the female sex?:]: My home dizzles in the big FL HOLLAA

[Who are your best friends of the male sex?:]: Err..ummm....Kyle?

[Who do you talk to most on the phone?:]: Sam no use phone

[Have you ever been slapped?:]: Not like bitch slapped, but

[Do you get online a lot?:]: No doubt son. =-)

[Are you shy or outgoing?:]: Both! Confused?

[Do you shower?:]: Whats that?

[Do you hate school?:]: Nope

[Do you have a social life?:]: Sure

[How easily do you trust people?:]: Yea

[Have you ever lied to your best friends?:]: Nothing big

[Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?]: If I answer your question with a question, do I get this wrong?

[Would you ever sky dive?:]: YES

[Do you like to dance?:]: Yea, when I'm home alone, on the phone, naked, in front og the mirror, girl I think my butt look big.

[Have you ever been out of state?:]: Give you two guesses.

[Do you like to travel?:]: Yea, its nice to get away.

[Have you ever been expelled from school?:]: Nope

[Have you ever been suspended from school?:]:Almost, in 3rd grade I beat some kid up for putting glue on my big bros jacket cuz I thot my bro would beat me up, it was a lose/lose situation

[Do you want to get out of your hometown?:]: I have a hometown?!

[Have you ever gotten high?:]: Nope

[What's your favorite drink?:]: Mike's Hard Lemonade! its delicous and hard!!!

[Do you like Snapple?:]: I like the snapple lady!

[Do you drink a lot of water?:]: Absolutly not.

[What toothpaste do you use?:]: the teeth cleaning kind

[Do you have a cell phone or pager?:]: cager

[Do you have a curfew?:]: Negative

[What name brand do you wear the most?:]: My shoes are New Balance! and they're pimp, and then after i got em every1 else did =-(...I like the new balance sport commercial

[What kind of jewelry do you wear?:]: The imaginary kind

[What do you have pierced?:]: Nothin

[What do you want pierced?:]: ONLY EVERY SINGLE SPOT ON MY BODY...................

[Do you like taking pictures?:]: Sure

[Do you like getting your picture taken?]: Not rlly

[Do you have a tan?:]: I'm straight up white!

[Do you get annoyed easily?:]: I have no love for stupid people.

[Do you have your own pool?:]: My apartment complex has a pool?...

[Do you have any siblings?:]: 19 yr old bro, 12 or 13 yr old half bro (cant remember?) 7 yr old half bro, 7 or 8 yr old half sister, 2 or 3 yr old half bro...i shuld remember these things....

[Do you get along with your parents?:]: Indeed

[How do you vent your anger?:]: Keep it to myself, other people don't need to worry themselves with my problems.

[Have you ever run away?:]: Never wanted to

[Have you ever been fired from a job?:]: Nope

[Do you even have a job?:]: Nope

[Do you daydream a lot?:]: Yep

[What do you want a tattoo of?:]: So now I have to get a tatoo HUH?!? WELL PUNK! MAYBE I DONT WANT ONE!!....a pony....lmao

[What does your most recent crush look like?:]: Like you.

[Are you rude?:]: I try not to be

[What is your heritage?:]: Italian/German

[What is your lucky number?:]: 37 or something, its on all my fortune cookie paper slip thingys

[What does your hair look like right now?:]: SHORT and messy

[Could you ever be a vegetarian?:]: McDonalds owns me

[Would you ever date someone younger than you?:]: Sure, I wont pee on them tho....

Real update on Thursday!
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