I don't think we are the High schoolers here.

Jun 08, 2004 22:43

I decided to post in the same way you are, so you might understand it better, for it's obvious you don't understand anything about us, how we work, how we type, how we live, so i thought I might help you out a bit, and organize my poor worthless pathetic life.

1)Fuck stick?? You blare profanities at us and judge us in very abstract and profound ways, and then make fun of us for being high schoolers. I think in this little quarrel we are not the high schoolers, the one who is doing all the funny little smilies and the logic we stated twisted around to fit what's being said is you. I think it's funny you have been reduced to actually spending your time on this. If we are high schoolers, and are inferior to you, why should you care? I still think this is for self supporting reasons. Please, stay out of our immature pathetic lives and get on with yours.

2)Well that was stupid, when you start a sentence (usually having thought in it) you complete the thought. Here, you did not. You ended in parinthases, leaving the beginning thought of the sentance hanging there like your worthless brain. Most humans usually finish their thoughts. And i see from this you went on about me flipping burgers, when you know nothing about me, what I do, what I study, and obviously why I'm winning this little debate; that it seems it's turned into. I am winning because you make stupid assumptions, falsly judge me, and stereotype me. Then when things escalate, you actaully have something to work on, building your thoughts, which still mean nothing to anything that was going on. Then you turn to being a complete ass hole out of your own stupidity that someone younger than you spotted, and called you on it. I really do think this is a bit surprising to you, as i really am going to give the benefit of the doubt, and ASSUME that you didn't post think you were right...that's usually left to middle schoolers.

3)Let me rephrase it, "I observe that you still act on your normal behavior," is that better, Mr. English teacher? The reason this part started is because you assumed I meant "ignorant", and I did not. And, of course, all of this you will not let go because you like to hang on the assumption that I meant the word you thought I meant. Is this your form of down and dirty? Who are you, Poin Dexter? If your version of down and dirty is saying that structure in a sentence is incorrect, then I really wouldn't like to see what kind of a social life you have...which is obvious there isn't one, because you are still here arguing with us...highschoolers.

4)Well NOW you can say that. Before there was no basis for which you could. But now that I have made a few typos, spelling errors, and a sentence structure mishap you can actually assume I am ignorrant. Nice deduction, Dr. Salk.

5)Well I see now that we are inferior to you, because our logic is lower than that of a few domesic animals, when you are the one that has intruded into some teenager's lj's and said crap that didn't make sense and had nothing to do with what was said in the entry. We aren't the ones missing logic, the basis for my part of the argument begins where you started, yet you still have none. Well of course besides the few english errors I made. Let's see, you "personally" know them, what, are you Dr. Dolittle? Well, I can imagine you sniffing a dog's ass and humping a fire hygrant, so there's no misconception there.

6)I see that you are your own God here. Does it trouble you to know that ten times as much evidence has been found that the Bible is true than any other religeous document? Or perhaps that the theory of evolution has been disproven (if it is what you believe in). Me judging your morals actually came from the fact that you are judging and looking down on people younger than you, and tormenting them for your own amusement. Religeon really has nothing to do with morals, and I didn't intend for it to sound as if I did mean it. I see you are sensative when it comes to religion. I said nothing of how it helps morals, and you went on how you stated that you don't need it to lead your path, which is totally besides the point. No one said anything about it helping YOU, or if it would change YOUR morals. We'll leave it at that.

7)You've added some color to your words here, "You're a fucking moron," you have nothing to support this; it is disproven, and is obviously said out of emotion, not out of anything that has to do with a debate. I find your tactics quite questionable,as you move in and out of actual debate manner. And relating to what you said earlier about me being able to tell whether you're yelling or not, the part where you said that whole bit about me talking was quite predictable, as you ar very contradictory and quite mislead in the ways of knowledge. If you call me on something I said, don't turn around and make the same stupid mistake. Hey, that behavior reminds me of a stereotypical christian...hmmm, maybe we're not so different after all...

Over all analysis: I think you did well, considering you are a mindless microbe with no argument. Also, I see that you now have something to argue on, though it is quite questionable, you have worked your way up from not having anywhere to speak, to having less place to speak, yet now having things to place the base of most your arguments upon. You are still being reduced, little by little, I can see it. You are swearing more in your comments, and are resulting to the insultive tactics of "YOU'RE A POOPIE HEAD!!", which is usually used by 4-5 year olds, not college students. Soon you will be braught to your knees in stupidity, and reduced to what you claim we are, or worse.
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