My kingdom for a long skinny piece!!

Oct 11, 2004 18:34

Sigh...eye'm bored. Eye played Tetris for a good 3 hours earlier. Managed to get to level 32. You get about enough time to make one turn of the piece before it is all the way down. Eye was told by Becky to call her at some point today, but eye figured if she can't respond to text messages, she probably isn't going to answer her phone. Oh well, guess eye just won't get to hang out with her Thursday night. We were painting today in Play Production, that was fun, other than that though, the day was boring. Eye registered to take the SAT in first period, and 3rd and 4th eye didn't do shit. Tomorrow eye get to play D&D, at least eye get some time away from this life and the people in it. Well, eye was reading Rebecca's journal and it said to carry on the chain, so eye'll go ahead and do that.

~Been drunk: Yeah
*smoked pot: Never
~kissed a member of the opposite sex: *nods*
*done a lot more than just kiss a member of the opposite sex: Hehehe...*whistles and looks at the sky*
~kissed a member of the same sex: Nope
*done a whole lot more than just kiss a member of the same sex.: Nope
~crashed a friend’s car: This asshole in front of me slammed on the brakes and made me rear-end him
*been to Japan: Haven't been there but eye wanna spend a good ammount of time there someday
~ridden in a taxi: Nope
*been in love: Still am...*hangs head*
~been dumped: Yeah, it sucks.
*shoplifted : TIC TAC!
~been fired: Only when the Board of Ed ran out of money
*been in a fist fight: Yeah
~snuck out of my parent’s house: Never really needed to or had a reason
*ever had a crush on someone of the same sex: Not really
~ever dated someone of the same sex: No
*had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: Yeah..Sucks being shy
~stuff *looks down at the ground*
~been arrested: nope
*spent time in jail: nope
~made out with a stranger: nope can't say i particularly want to either lol
*stole something from my job: Never..*makes a halo with fingers*
~celebrated new years in times square: No, want to go to NY though.
*gone on a blind date: nope
~stood up a date: Not that eye can remember
*been stood up by a date: No
~lied to a friend: A Very long time ago
*had a crush on a teacher: nope
~been to Mardi Gras: No..too many people
*earned beads the hard way at mardi gras: No
~been to Europe : No, but eye'm going to go
*skipped school: Not the whole day...but eye used to skip classes
~slept with a co-worker: No
*cut myself on purpose: Once..*stares at the ground hoping to forget*
~been married: Nope, not planning on it for a while
*gotten divorced: Need marriage for that...
~had children: Ewoks are EVIL...EVIL EYE TELL YOU!!
*seen someone die: No...might be interesting...eye'm wierd though
~been to Africa: Nope
*had a crush on one of my Live Journal friends: Still do sorta...*sigh*
~Slapped someone I loved: Slap? or spank? ;-)
*Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball: No, but planning on it next summer for The Gathering
~Attended some kind of fetish event: Not that eye can remember
*Been to Canada: Nope
~Been to Mexico: Nope
*Been stopped by customs: Nope
~Been on a plane: Yes, when eye was really young
*Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: Awesome, awesome movie
~Thrown up in a bar: Nope
*Gotten kicked out of a bar: No, eye left of my own free will
~Purposely set a part of myself on fire: Yeah..*fades to me walking around the kitchen with my hand ablaze*
*Eaten Sushi: Sushi is yummy
~Been snowboarding: No, but eye wanna learn...though it would kill my knees
*Met someone in person from the internet: Yeah
~Been moshing at a concert: Yup...that was fun.
*Had real feelings for someone you knew only online: Not romantic type feelings..
~Taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself: Nope.
*Had someone else take nude pictures of yourself: Nope
~been in an abusive relationship: Nope.
*been pregnant or got someone pregnant: Umm...eye don't think eye'm equipped to be pregnant..and eye haven't gotten anyone pregnant
~lost a child : Gee...
*gone to college : Hopefully going next year
~graduated college : Haven't started yet

Oh well, eye'm going to bed now...Blessed Be!
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