May 18, 2003 12:56
If we're in a the Matrix, any Powerade we might consume is virtual, how is the virtual Powerade refreshing our physical bodies suspended in solution?
Yesterday we scheduled to retry seeing the Matrix: Reloaded. I went to Jessica's house for more ass kicking and she dyed her hair purple again. Picked up Matt and Jamie and drove to Dean's house. I left the three there while Jessica and I got gas for the car. Got back, picked them up and went to the mall. The mall sucked cuz you need to be 21 to get more than one ticket for a rated R movie. So we decided to go to AMC Pleasure Island, but the same fucking rule was there. So we made Matt and Dean ask a few people to get us tickets and many people were willing to do except the dirty orange pickers. We got some free soda at McDonalds and went inside the theater. I remember most of the movie but I was really tired. They wasted like 45 minutes on a party/sex scene. If they made like the part when he took the bullet out of her body with all the green stuff it would've been cool but yeah the sex scene was a money waster. The fight scenes were okay. The best parts were Neo fighting hundreds of Agent Smiths with a rod, flying like Superman but 100 times faster, and the Japanese key guy dying. I actually found myself laughing more in Reloaded than the original. Overall the first one was better. At least at the end it doesnt say To Be Concluded... After that it was 12:30 and my curfew was 1AM. I drove everyone home and I almost fell asleep twice. I didn't get in trouble though. Last night was pretty good.