Oct 10, 2009 12:14

I have realised which my one true pairing is! It has taken me quite a while, lol... I always grow bored or sick of a pairing after a while. Mainly that may be because I run into too many bad fanficitions or whatever and that gets my mood down, I know Snape/Harry is definitely one of those pairings(Seriously, why does one of them always have to become pregnant? And why does Snape almost always end up a acting like a cuddly little kitten!?) Bad Snarry is bad but good Snarry is awesome.
Anywho, back on topic. My OTP is.. drumroll... Hilson! Yay! For those who doesn't speak ship that would be House/Wilson from House(duh). This is truly a pairing that even bad fanfiction can't ruin for me.

Great House fanfiction site! Or at least, the House/Wilson section is pretty great :3

fanfiction, hilson, slash, otp, house

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