sup dudes.
just a note and stuffu for stuff and things haru did forthe party and whatever.
his outfit. sexy beast.
Better game.
Andthe thingy he wrote, because I actually wrote it out. :P
Tamaki Suou.
I met Tamaki-kun over a year ago now. Ever since I've known him, he's always been willing to listen to me and cheer me up when I needed it. When he walks into a room, his personality and looks outshine everyone else's. I'm not trying to feed his ego, it just happens to be true. Tamaki-kun is always glad to help people, and he's always very generous. I'm glad to have a friend like Tamaki. He's very intelligent, and the things that he doesn't know, I like to tease him about. He's fun to tease. I do it out of love. I hope Tamaki-kun has a great birthday. He deserves it. Oh, and I hope things between Hitomi-chan and Tamaki-kun continue to work out, because I can't stand to see people I care about sad and heart broken. Thank you for everything,Tamaki-kun.
daseet. u_uv