how will I ever know you enough to love you

Feb 05, 2007 22:23

I went to see The Spirit of the Beehive tonight. When Eliot reminded me about the screening he was thinking that I had told him it was a favorite movie of mine, but I had never seen it before. The funny thing is, I think it might really end up being one of my favorite films, though I feel like I'd need to see it again to really be sure. I'm not very good at describing movies right after I've seen them, it makes me feel weird. But the Guardian article gives a really good description of what's special about it.

Last night I stayed up later than I should have watching something very different. Masterpiece Theater was being re-run at 3 a.m. and I got sucked into it because this week's show was based on a Philip Pullman book (The Ruby in the Smoke) and starred Billie Piper from Doctor Who. (Mary Jessica, if it had not been three in the morning I would have called you to make sure you knew it was on TV.) Anyways, it wasn't a new favorite thing like the movie I saw tonight, but it was worth staying up way too late for. It's amazing I made it through, really, after getting very little sleep the night of Brandi and Toto's party.

It was an interesting weekend. The aforementioned party was good. I brought some cupcakes and some bourbon. There were nice encounters with lots of different people, including some I hadn't seen in a while. By the end of the evening we were considering starting a game of "Strip Cranium" but that never actually happened, which is probably for the best. it's probably more fun in my imagination than it would have been in reality.

I also finally played Capture the Flag, but not for long, since before the first round was over somebody got a serious injury for the second time in recent Capture the Flag history--Clarke collided with Dave and broke his nose. Luckily he seemed to be doing ok when we saw him later than evening and his prognosis sounded good. Personally, even during the partial round I played, I took a pretty serious spill. I didn't hurt myself too bad, though, I just ended up with grass-burn on my palms, a grass stain on my pants, and some leg-bruises. But it was worth it to feel all tough and sporty, two qualities I don't often see in myself.

On that note, I'm going to go eat a pot pie.
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