What's your policy when it comes to getting music recommendations from friends? Do you avoid them, take them when they come, or seek them out? How effective do you think friendly recommendations are for finding stuff you're really going to like? Do you ever feel self-conscious about getting into stuff because other people introduce you to it,
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And guys are just as guilty, I can tell you. There is stuff I listen to today that I first got into because girls I liked in high school were listening to it.
This keeps reminding me of Karen's ex-boyfriend who dated Sara for a while (and introduced me to her). He made her a mixtape once to try to impress her. Later, when she got to know me and Karen, she found out that almost the entire tape was stuff Karen liked that Chris had never been that into. It was a pretty blatant example of trying to have the right musical taste to get a certain person to like you, rather than sincerely opening up to something because of a person you like a lot.
Although one of these seems more "authentic" than the other, I wonder if it's always so easy to tell the difference, especially at the time it's happening. Or if it matters. I guess in the end you're left with some music you don't like, and some that stays with you.
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