pubescent-life crisis

Dec 09, 2008 17:34

i did this career cruising quiz, to see what jobs i'd be good at or like. i'm having a little teenage crisis here. i don't know what i want to be when i grow up. when my friends or classmates ask me what i'd like to be casually, i don't really know. if i said "teacher", they'd be like "oh, that figures." i don't even know if i want to be one. it's a lot of work :$ but what job is easy? i don't even have a dream job. okay, it might be a psychiatrist (#35 on my list :\) or something.

1. Animator

2. Art Director

3. Computer Animator

4. Artist

5. Graphic Designer

6. Website Designer

7. Medical Illustrator

8. Desktop Publisher

9. Exhibit Designer

10. Mediator

after that, there's interior decorator, craftsperson, fashion designer.. more stuff that i like :D but tbh, i don't really want to do a graphics-related job. what if i'm 40 and still at it? i'd have another [mid]life crises about how i'm not doing anything with my life. but hey, art director sounds interesting.
#25 on my list is comedian, lol ;P

If any of you want to check out the site, it's, user: yorkregion, pswd: 50540. Post your top 10 jobs if you do the Matchmaker quiz!

btw, YAY i got commissioned!
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