
Oct 01, 2008 18:26

Ah, my dearest Livejournal. I fear that I have lost interest in updating seeing as my life is no longer interesting! Not like it ever was before, but that's besides the point! Today, I will force a new interest in updating and checking my f-list, and it will be great! For today, fellow bloggers, I know the date! The date that has long eluded me. Two weeks is far too long to put a question mark in the date. And since I have discovered the date, I will start anew and be a better friend. Be a better friend to all!

Which is kind of weird to say, because I did a...


I'm sorry to disappoint, but I would like to be a better friend. =[. No hard feelings I hope, because I don't ever want to upset someone.

livejournal: triumphant return!, livejournal: friends cut

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