Jan 28, 2005 22:44
I am so mad at my brother and his friends it's not even funny! They are being such losers. Am i right or am i right, they're sittin in the car listening to music, honking the horn, and flashing the lights. Thats considered being a loser. I used to think my brother didnt do mean stuff to me like Tay says her brother does to her. I was wrong!! They think its funny to harass my friends. I mean its ok if they talk to them but not stalk them. Tay ur ok w/ matt talkin to u rite. He says u 2 talk a lot. Thats fine w/ me. But gettin all my frineds info (like ims, cell phone #s and live journal suff) isnt ok. My brother just thinks im being to serious about it and that im not gettin their joke. This is a little over board tho. Isnt it? "I'm so frickin pissed"