Dec 24, 2005 09:23
In this time of Holiday confusion I'd like to express my sincere best wishes to ALL people of the world! To those who are Jewish I hope that your Channuka was truly a festival of lights. To those who are Islamic, I hope that Rabi brought peace to you and your family. To those of other practicing religions, I bid you peace and prosperity. To those who are agnostic, may you continue to seek until you find the truth. To those who are atheistic, your faith is the strongest of all for you defy both physics and mathematics. May death TRULY hold nothing for you except emptiness and a COMPLETE lack of suffering. And, to the Christians of the world, may this Christmas encourage and strengthen you in your walk with Jesus the Christ and reveal the harmony and joy that your faith is built on. A day without hunger for all of the inhabitants of the Earth would be nice. So would a day without pain or suffering. May this Christmas show at least a few of the less financially able that money is not the answer but that God is. MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D