May 27, 2003 01:31
mmmm hot sex is good for the humal soul, can i please get some more? thanks.
my dad liked to grow pot and roll joints when i was a kid. the other night i found out he still likes to roll joints and get high. he told me all about this. arent dads not supposed to do this anymore. i said " ummm so where do you get it." he went on to tell me, "ive got friends. my friends grow it." haha ummm what? he goes, "im sure you have smoked it," and i am like, "umm well yeah"
my dad and i dont talk. i live in an upstairs room and only come down when there is a meal waiting for me. when we are at the dinner table the most we say to eachother is, "ummm can i have the butter" thats about as far as that goes. but if i get him talking about drugs or alcohol he has plenty to say. lol. wild and crazy kids. dads will be dads.....or i guess thats what we call those men that impregnanted out mothers, right?
today was memorial day....o wooo yeah. alaina and i drove out to the beach and it was o so beautiful. i love that drive out there. i was driving alainas car and on our way back we ended up coming through sausalito i think. i was driving on the freeway and all of a sudden all the cars slammed on their breaks beacuse there was a huge rug in the middle of the freeway. so i had to slam on my breaks too and i almost killed us. hey i never said i was a good driver and shit people with A.D.D. really shouldnt be on the road. i mean after about 30 seconds i have lost my attention span and am thinking about something else, fiddling with the radio, or calling somebody on my cell phone in an effort to keep my attention going so i can finish my drive. well anyway we got home safely, finally, so do not worry. we ate mmmmmm salmon and hung out a little more now i have arrived at my dad's house after eating sooooo much food.
clare is the secretary and she is coming over tommorrow so we can go to the santa rosa mall and a fabric store. i will spank her butt first so she is in the mood for a good time because she likes that pain. now i must sleep and dream about purple people raping my cock. goodnight.