Aug 14, 2005 07:49
I've never been a morning person. EVER. I am the crankiest person in the morning. I am out of it, and I don't really think straight. This point was proven when the lawn man came. For some reason, the last time that he came, all these bugs piled into our house. They were these little fly like creatures that invaded the living room, my bedroom and the kitchen. The night the bugs came, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around three in the morning and walked into my room. It was really warm, so I decided to open the window, which should have been fine becuase of the screen. Well, it wasn't. All these bugs flew into my room and were surrounding the light. It was so gross. I picked up a towel that was on the floor and just started to swing it in the air. But it was no use. So, me still being groggy, walked into the bathroom to try and find some kind of bug killer. The only thing that I saw was raid, and I figured that it probably wasn't the best thing to spray in the open air, so I did the next best thing. Well, it seemed like the next best thing while I was still asleep at 3 in the morning. I took my bottle of perfume and just started spraying the bastards. I figured it would either kill them, or kinda smoke them out...boy was I wrong. I think i pumped the bottle around 20-25 times. And I sat there and waited for them to die. Well, they didn't die. And then the coughing began. Along with the nausea and the feeling of "Holy Crap!! What did I just do." So not only was my room non-sleepable from the bugs, it was transformed into the horrible house of perfume. I tried shutting the door to lock out the smell, but it was no use. The smell seeped through the bottom of the door. Plus it was in my clothes and on my blanked and on my pillow and in the hall and EVERYWHERE. My house smelled like coolwater for women for days.
So those of you who have been considering using perfume as a bug your money. It doesn't work.
Well, maybe one of those old lady ones will work, they kinda stink.
...P.s...this incident has inspired me to be checked out for some sort of brain disfunction. but I'm hoping I was just sleepy...