Which is unusual. But that's okay, I'll check my email later. That's not entirely the big news.
What the big news really is is that...
I cleaned up my desk and surrounding area! That's right, I can now see both the floor around my desk and the top of it! o_O You heard me. And no more hanging onto stupid receipts. I don't keep track of them, and I don't always take them after a purchase either. Why do I think it's a good idea to keep them? I highly doubt the IRS will audit a broke little girl like me anytime soon.
Also? I cleaned up the kitchen. This is less impressive news, as I do tend to get around to this one on occasion. But now it looks nice and sparkling clean! Yay! ^_^
What I'm avoiding more than anything is cleaning out the cat litter boxes and renting a carpet cleaner to clean up where Thomas peed on the rug. I won't lie, he's done it more than I've wanted him to, and I haven't taken care of it as well as I could have. The sad thing is that he starts doing this when I'm majorly depressed (which I was for a good deal of the time not too long ago) and it takes me a while to catch up with the cleanup efforts. Aaaand I've set up my property manager peoples to watch the cats while I'm away. So I'm going to get a carpet cleaner and try to clean up as best I can. *crosses fingers* (I was going to do this anyway, so here's a good excuse.)
Of course, I've put this off for two weeks and today is do or die. I won't have the time or energy after work, and I leave ass early in the morning on the 6th. And it snowed yesterday. *heavy sigh* So I'm kinda waiting for some of the snow and ice to melt. Come on snow and ice! Melt!
Speaking of cleaning, I've got this kickass old Kirby vaccuum that's a champ at getting cat hair out of the rug without being clogged. I need to clean the indent in the carpet by the patio door however, and for the life of me I can't figure out where the attachments are supposed to go on the damn thing! WTF??? It can't be the connection of the machine part to the bag, because the bag is what holds all the dust...but there's nowhere else! I am confuzzled.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! I've probably ranted about this before, but here it is again. You have to hear this!
8-Bit Operators - An 8-Bit Tribute To Kraftwerk.
chainedspecter, if you have not heard this/do not own this, there is something wrong with you. Everyone else (like
antarellis and maybe
saintx), you should really give this a listen. Unfortunately I forgot that I don't have anywhere to post MP3s right now, so I can't upload a song and link to it. So I linked to Amazon for samples of all songs on the album. Btw, this is the coolest thing evar!!!
I am trying very hard to resist playing Warcraft right now...or do anything else to procrastinate for that matter. I'm really good at this. If I really don't want to do something I'll even resort to lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. No lie!