I promised a meme, so here's a meme. Courtesy of
1. What bill do you hate paying the most? TUITION!
2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? The Boy and I like going for sushi at Agami.
3. Last time you puked from Drinking? First, last, and only? *sigh* Last October. Stupid girly cocktails on an almost-empty stomach. If only I'd ever made it back to the appetizer bar...
4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? Um. That'd be negatory.
5. What was the name of your first grade teacher? Mrs. Markel. She was old, so she's probably dead now. Or really, really old.
6. What do you really want to be doing right now? Flopped on the couch watching taped episodes of Lost and Smallville from last season. (I aim high.)
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Biology for awhile, then something government/law-related. I guess I'm doin' that.
8. How many colleges did you attend before you settled on one? Yeah, weird-ass question--who goes to more than, like, two colleges? I visited a lot, and I was really indecisive, but I'm so glad I picked
my alma mater.
9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? Uh, 'cause it's old and not fancy so I don't care if no one sees it.
10. Gas Prices! Eh? I don't have a car in Chicago. :)
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where would you go and who? This is too hard of a question. I already have a headache. I'm begging off.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? graaaargh snooooze
13. Last thought before Falling asleep last night? why does my neck hurt? Why can't I get my work done? Why am I SO FREAKING STRESSED OUT-zzzzzz...
14. Favorite style of Underwear? I like Vicki's Secret Pink brand briefs. Comfy, and they often have cute doggies on them.
15. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex? Boxers, I guess, but whatever floats his boat.
16. What Errand/Chore do you despise? Ironing. Or cleaning the bathroom tub/shower.
17. If you didn’t have to work would you? Yesss... a little...
18. Get up early or sleep in? Up early, because I feel guilty for sleeping in. But I'm also up late. I don't know when I sleep, honestly.
19. Your Favorite Cartoon Character? Oh, dear. Doug? Inspector Gadget? Brian Griffin? I can't decide.
20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl? OMG, stay up late and paint our nails and do our hair and talk about BOYS!!!!11ONE
21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? The reason I procrastinate is because I'm scared of screwing things up, so it's easier just not to start... until it isn't.
22. What was your first car? '98 Chevy Cavalier convertible (the Katmobile, if you will).
23. Best 'Your Mamma' joke? Mr T tells me to
respect my momma.
24. Your Favorite Lunch Meat? Garlic Herb turkey. Or cajun turkey. Turkey, I suppose, would be the common theme here.
25. What do you get every time you go into a WAWA? Wha-huh-huh? I think this means "quick stop mini mart," and I will go with "gum."
26. Beach Or Lake? Beach, I guess.
27. Do you think Marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20? I don't Know, how do You feel about Randomly Capitalized words?
28. Who do you stalk on myspace? Pfft. Like I'd tell you.
29. Favorite Guilty Pleasure? Cheez-its.
30. Favorite Movie you wouldn’t want anyone to find out about? My life is an open book. A really, really, ridiculously open book. Earth to readers: if I like a movie, you know about it.
31. What's your drink? Bombay Sapphire and tonic
32. Cowboys or Indians? I prefer the term Native Americans, actually.
33. Cops or Robbers? eh?
34. Do you cheer for the bad guy? if the character development encourages it.
35. What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best? blah. I am a beautiful, unique snowflake.
36. If you had to pick one which cast member of Lost would you be? Locke, probably, only I'd be a little less high-strung about the damn code.
37. What do you want when you are sick? warm homemade tapioca.
38. Who from High School would you like to run into? well, now that there's a chs99 group on MySpace, anything is possible, isn't it?
39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? FOR THE LAST TIME THERE'S NO CAR.
But I wake up to 93-XRT on my clock radio.
40. Stiffler or Oz? *yawn*
42. Norm or Cliff? *snore*
43. The Cosby Show or The Simpsons? Simpsons.
44. Worst Relationship Mistake that you wish you could take back? Eh. I haven't done anything I really regret. There are a couple dalliances back there I could've done without, but nothing's keeping me up nights.
45. Do you like the Person who sits directly across from you at work? I'm a student, so away with thee, question.
46. If you could get away with it who would you kill? Paris Hilton, Kevin Federline...
47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? The guys from Ok Go. They seem hilarious.
48. What famous person would you like to sleep with? I'd say Orlando, but I think he's just pretty to look at from far away. I'd be afraid I'd break him.
49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? No.
50. Last book you read for real? the Kite Runner. I'm supposed to be reading Blindness, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
51. Do you have a teddy bear? Maybe one or two. Maybe. *twiddles thumbs*
52. Strangest Place you have ever brushed your teeth? ... in the back seat of a volkswagen? Seriously, I don't know.
53. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? Napa Valley
54. Number of texts in a day? Wow, this question is definitely not for me, as my first thought was, "literary? or scholarly?"
55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship? New career. I have a lovely relationship.
56. Do you go to church? Sometimes.
57. Pencil or Pen? Pen. Gel pen. As long as it's not goopy, like the one I had to throw away yesterday because my fingers were turning black.
58. Describe your favorite Day? my birfday!
59. How many jobs have you had? 6-ish? Most have been part time/summer stuff. Only one full-time job.
60. What would be your "dream job"? An exciting litigation position with EVENINGS and WEEKENDS free to attend concerts and be with my family. Unfortunately, given the firm statistics I've been reading, this is nothing more than a dream.
61. What do you want to achieve in life? THE WORK I NEED TO DO BEFORE I LEAVE FOR FRFF ARRRGH