
Jul 22, 2009 12:21

Seriously, I love school overall. I mean it can be really time consuming, and sometimes it makes me want to pull my hair out. But it's so exciting to learn. I'm always amazed by new things I learn. In Geology we just learned all about volcanoes and earthquakes, and now we're learning all about rocks. I like Geology because it's one of the few things that this Earth doesn't let humans control. People can try and predict when things will happen, but they cannot control it. I just love science all together. It's based more on facts, than beliefs, and that is so much more meaningful in my mind. I think that is why it is so hard for me to be a religious person or even want anything to do with religion. I can't put time and energy into something that is based on faith. Science tells me that the Earth is one planet of many. It tells us that we are one solar system, of many. Science tells me that earthquakes, tsunamis, volanoes, all happen from the Earth and its forever changing and moving parts. Those are concrete ideas, theories, or facts that I can grasp onto. You can study it, and delve deeper into it. It's truly fascinating and amazing. How incredibly cool it must be to be a scientist of any sort.

I really wish I would have been ready to go to school when I could have lived at home with all my expenses paid. I could have learned so much more. It's so hard to really learn everything online. Especially since every class is compacted into 9 weeks. It doesn't give much time to truly grasp each concept. Although, it's probably better because I probably would have changed my mind on what I wanted to do for a career with every new subject I studied. I even contemplate it now, but 9 weeks doesn't give me enough time to really learn about each subject to make me change my mind from being a nurse.

I think overall though, being a pediatric oncology RN is really the best choice for me. Becoming a geologist, archeologist, astronomer, or some kind of other scientist would have been plenty rewarding and intriguing, but it would have only done so for me. By helping children with cancer it will be rewarding to me, and also rewarding to other children and their families. To me, that is worth so much more.

Anyways, I'm really bored today. I've been reading my chapters for Geology, but I can't do my hmwk until I get home.... so you people really need to start updating more often. Please? I could probably update like 20 times a day with all the things that go on in my mind throughout the day. No wonder I talk so much.

P.S.- I love my boyfriend. Seriously, he just gets better and better. He always does these little random sweet things for me. Like going out of his way to pick me up something and surprise me. When I go somewhere without him, he'll clean up our room. When I don't feel well he draws me a warm bath and lets me do nothing while he makes us dinner, AND cleans up the whole mess. He tells me how pretty he thinks I am DAILY, and cuddles with me. He may not have a lot of money, but he makes up for it by loving me completely unconditionally.
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