Aug 12, 2007 01:00
I meet some one! I have a guy who has been actively prusuing me for 3-4 mo. and gained enough cool points (yes i said that) to move himself above some of the other guys i was talking to! Of course we talk -we talk alot on the puter, phone, and text messages. We talk, he's much more emotionally available than even ME! (I usually fall for men who don't even know i'm a girl or alive!!!!!!!!) any way we have great conversations, loads in common. We have very simmilar core values and ideas. he seems to "get" me! At 1st i thought isn't this to easy!? To fall in love with out the angisty B.S. your supposed to go through , isn't this going way to fast? ( I have read 100's of romance novels!! and so i can say i know how this is supposed to go! - right????? I sought advice... comsenses " it dose NOT have to be hard to be love, or right" ok soooo.........i let go! ! ! ! ! I let my self feel, sink into emotions i've very wisely, (ok cowardly ) hidden for a long time!! So now he says he loves me!!!!! and i think i'm mostly in love back maybe???!!! Here's the really funny part! (funny as in ha ha ha owwwwwww! i hit my elbow on the table) We have yet to meet! 2weeks ago i convinced him to come here! just past olympia his car broke down!!! ok so made plans for this weekend! YES you guessed it! He didn't come! HE HAS THE FLU!!!! I'm sosoooooooo bummed out! but it has made me think on different things! I had a small spat w/ him about the phone! It seemed like i was always trying to talk to him or get him to call me!!.... he could text message me but wouldn't call or pick up when i called -untill really late at night!! I have so many different senerioes and checked out his back ground ( nothing unusual) I don't know what to think! I don't know how to move forward if he's not going to talk to me!!! aaahahahahahah. now i'm just rambleing................time for bed! i guess i'll have to think tomorrow! DAMM IT where is the labodamey people when you need them??!!!