Sep 26, 2006 17:08
OK i now have a date to the dance more or less. And i'm soo stupid i'm breaking like all the fucking rules here and not to mention my moral values!!!! Yes I am going to the dance with my neighbor! And not just my neighbor but my best friends older brother! Who has been crushing on me for years!!!! Don't get me wrong i always thought of him asking me and us going together but then i got that thought out of my head when like home coming is this week but nho he asked me yesterday. I knew he was going to ask me cus his sister told me and i discussed with her and my other best friend/neighbor alishah about wut to do. I explained to them that i don't like Greg in a romantic way but as a twistedly good friend who can be my date to a dance. But then i also dicussed that problems it may cause if i do go with him. kate, his sister (who i've known for 3 yrs.), said whoa he didn't ask you yet, and just do what you want. If you kno me really well then you kno thats not a good ans., I am terrible at choosing between 2 things and making dessions. i like kno the ruight ans. i guess deep down inside but i need to hear another person say it out loud. Well Alishah who known me for 13 years, told me this. "I regret saying i'll hang with this guy at the dance sop don't say yes unless you want to." I told her, "i do want to, well sort of, no i do but..." then greg asks me from kates s/n. i said oh no alishah wut do i do and she said "go with him!!!! he really likes you and you want to do, and its just a dance so go with him!!!" So i called him up and said yes. There was a long pause, i asked if he was there and he said yes. Then i said well do you still want to go with me and he said yeah, ok. So i told him that i'll talk to him later and we hung up.
Now i feel like an idiot cus i really should have stuck with my normal values. The whole neighborhood knows and thanks to me, i havn't made things better. If you all know me than you kno how sometimes i do things like, umm mischievous things. For example, I started things thing where all these little kids follow and lsten to me. And so as anyone with that kind of power, i told them to attack chris, and soon after a while it gets out of hand, and then soon its uncontrollable. And yes chris the kids were uncontrollable, it wasn't my falut. Well i guess i kind of started something in my neighborhood thats uncontrollable. Like if someone has antoher person over all the neighbors begain hating on them and doing stuff to them or if its a date they are all in your business and they do shit. Like one time I told the whole neighborhood that our neighbor ashley and cooper were doing stuff together in the graveyard and when i just got there ashley just put her shirt back on from flashing cooper. Me and the kids made up and song and everything about it, and no1 would let it go until aftyer like 8 months!!! Now it all comes back to haunt me cus i'm going to the fucking dance with greg. But i told the two who were going to start the most shit that they better not or else and they promised not to in a depressing way. That gives me a lot of relife that they respect my wishes but for kate and gregs little brother ryan, well.... Wheni got back from albany there was ryan and a gang of kids waiting outside my house. i had to have my mom drive me yup the driveway so i could make a quick escape inside. And right now as we speak they are right outside my house screaming to the top of their lungs, something they kno i don't like because i always so to beat them up and chase them away for doing that but now i'm not even going to bother to go outside!! So that sucks for me! Its like i'm trapped in my own house just to be safe!