May 19, 2011 22:34
Quick rant about fandom shipping before bedtime [spoilers regarding tonight's Bones finale and House's recent casting announcement present in rant]:
Why oh why oh WHY must the T.V. Gods spend yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears building up this nuanced, flirty, affectionate, sexy, adorable, close relationship between two characters, causing their viewers to hope against hope that the two finally get together, to then treat it in the weirdest or worst way possible when it at last happens after seasons and seasons of angst and almosts?!! I mean really, enough is enough. We don't want super duper molasses slow buildup just to have lightning fast piles of shit? [Or some other such...less ick-inducing visual.] I mean this in different ways for the two shows/ships I currently refer to, but the same rule still applies. If you are going to string your fans along for nearly decades, PLEASE~ Have the courtesy to think things out carefully and play them out at a slow enough pace (albeit not as slowly as the buildup phase, or we'd be here for centuries) so that we may enjoy the little steps of the beginnings of a relationship, the shift, the giddiness of it all (hey, it doesn't have to all be good, but we need to feel we're getting something out of it, don't we?). Aka do NOT have your two characters cryptically have sex off-screen in one episode and announce in the next that they're pregnant OR bring your two characters together just to basically "break up" every few episodes and fault each other for all the things they always knew about and finally decided to accept, leaving them broken and alone until one will suddenly be leaving the show due to her actor's spontaneous announcement, meaning there will NEVER be resolution for these two.