Three ideas for making yourself smile (at least they make ME smile, and since my humor is exactly like the general populace's..):
Though you've gotta pick the right categories..a lot of it is not so much funny but..ironic, or even..depressing. Um, yeah. Surf at your own risk.
How about spontaneous, out-of-nowhere kisses? Like
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"Do you ever take on another person's humor, speech patterns, etc., in your head or perhaps externally but you're probably the only one who notices? After watching a handful of that Sarah-person's videos, my mind is tuned to her way. I find this a bit disconcerting, as if I am this easily brainwashed by a stronger, or more interesting to me at the moment, personality. I also indulge in the feeling when "becoming" a cool character that makes me feel extra witty/pretty/..sitty too."
I do, and I find it a little embarassing. If I'm really obsessed with someone, I pick up gestures, phrases & attitude as fast as I learn new English words from my tv shows, lol. The less embarassing part is learning and learning to love new things because the person you're into loves them. Even if things don't go the way you want them to with that person, you never lose the knowledge you got. I think there was an episode of How I Met Your Mother with a similar theme :)
And a totally random "is this real life" question: do people really hate broccoli as much as they do on tv shows? It's kinda my favorite vegetable and I'm shocked by the hatred it gets on tv.
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