OOC : Wolfram Von Bielefeld

Mar 08, 2009 15:00


Name/Nickname: Blaine

AIM/E-mail/Contact: ArachnidPrinceLeontyne@gmail.com

LJ: LostInShidou


Canon Character and Series: Wolfram von Bielefeld, Kyou Kara Maou

In-Game Name:  Wolfram von Bielefeld

Age: He appears 18 yrs of age but is actually much older, though he gets offended when asked about his age.

Gender: Male.

Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please):

First choice: Gunner

Second Choice : Shipwright

Ship : the Fiertia.


Wolfram is clearly invested in his looks. Blond hair always brushed to perfection and uniform never askew. He walks with an overly confident stride and often a smug grin painting his lips. He exemplifies every aspect of “pampered.” He is approximately 5,4 and is rather thin, though he will not discuss his exact weight.

Over all he can be describe as effeminate, though he is a soldier as has lean muscle in his chest and arms. He has emerald green eyes, long lashes, and perfect pearl skin. It is clear in his manner of dress that he was born and raised wealthy and never had to work for a living.


Seemingly spoiled and bratty, Wolfram wears his heart on his sleeve and flies off the handle more often than not. However he is steadfastly loyal to friends and family (the few that he has ) and will fight to the death for what he believes in. Wolfram is somewhat secretly a born romantic and has a deep passion for the arts. Though he may seem shallow, his emotions run very deep, and when hurt, it gathers inside of him and slowly works its way into his heart, weakening him from the inside out. Sometimes this pain manifests itself as restless sleeping and nightmares.

Wolfram has been known to throw tantrums, go on rampages, and ride horses through royal studies. Wolfram does not back down from a fight, in fact sometimes he is looking for one or starts them himself over misunderstandings. But it is already becoming evident that Wolfram is growing out of these juvenile habits and is becoming more mature and reserved, but he still has a way to go to be the man he wants to be.

Through all the tantrums and arguments, Wolfram’s largest desire is to be loved, appreciated, and valued. He wants to be an equal to his brothers and wants to be considered a good soldier who fights valiantly for his country and countrymen.


Wolfram is talented with swords and guns, having been trained in both. He has a small ability to control fire, allowing him to send it in small bursts at enemies however he cannot create any towering infernos or volcano-esque explosions. It is just enough to singe and burn, not to disintegrate or scorch.

For his sword fighting ability Wolfram is very close to being top rank however is not as talented as his brothers are. He needs a few more years of study and training to perfect this weapon, though one will find that he is better than most and will go to any lengths to defend someone he loves. Wolfram is physically strong, but is not especially so. Being of a small stature he does not have any extraordinary hand to hand fighting skills.

How well can your character hack?:

no hacking abilities whatsoever.


Wolfram is very emotional and can often overreact in situations when calmness and subtly is necessary. His loyalty often is so strong that he takes the side of his friends whether or not he feels they are right, causing him to gain enemies easily. Wolfram does not back down from a fight, in fact sometimes he is looking for one or starts them himself over misunderstandings. Wolfram also has a weakness for romance and can be seduced from anger through flowers, chocolates, and appreciation

Wolfram has a hidden sense of self-doubt, realizing his flaws but often feeling unable to fix them , this sometimes  has the ability to undermine his determination however almost always his passion for serving a noble cause overcomes his bouts of depression. Wolfram’s thin frame and short height can often make him easy to fight off in battle. Sometimes if in a duel, Wolfram may stray from the rules if he becomes enraged or overly passionate about winning. This then leads him to secretly feel a great amount of guilt and shame due to his disregard for honorable fighting. However, his abandonment of the rules is a rare occasion.


Wolfram was born into a wealthy family of Erealia with a mother and two brothers. There was no father in the picture. Wolfram was used to riches and luxury. Handsome and spoiled, Wolfram was always under his mother’s watchful eye. He grew up with private tutors and trainers and for many years Wolfram was content to bask in the lush surroundings of his family’s isolated estate, painting and learning the sword. However, as he neared the age of 16 he began to long for the world outside the window, beginning to feel useless and without purpose. He wanted to do something to make an identity for himself, to make himself known in the world whilst helping others like his brothers had done. He wanted to be a soldier.

He finally confronted his mother about leaving the family home, and almost desperately his mother avoided his questions until finally she relented and agreed to let him study at the Academy of Art in Melior, still refusing to enroll him in the military academy of Bellcius like his brothers. Wolfram departed Erealia by way of merchant ships bound for Ivona. When he stepped off the ship into Melior , Wolfram found himself enraptured in the world of the arts, in awe at the beautiful ornate buildings and colorful street performances of dance and song. Wolfram entered the Academy of Art and spent the next 4 years as a boarding student there, attending classes in the morning, and exploring the town’s upper-class social gatherings in the afternoon. He became well versed in literature and history through the salon gatherings at the museums and graduated at the top of his class.

However, once he had completed his years at the Art Academy he found himself feeling unfulfilled. He loved painting, and made good money through selling his works. But he found more and more that it was not the career he wanted. He still wanted to be a soldier. He still wanted to serve and protect, not to continue living solely for his own means. He wanted to do something meaningful.   After one year of being a restless artist in Melior, Wolfram finally gathered up his courage and packed up his things, boarding a ship bound for Bellcius. He did not tell his mother that he was going enroll at the Military Academy, instead writing in his letters to her that he was still enjoying life as a painter, but had moved to Bellcius simply because he had found a generous patron there.

Wolfram enrolled at the Military Academy using his own money and completed 6 years there, being further trained in the sword and being introduced to the use of the gun. After his six years he was a highly skilled soldier ready for combat and enlistment. After a few months going from office to office searching for a ship in need of a gunner, he came to the Fiertia boarding anxiously as a gunner ready to serve Ivona.


Third Person (roleplay):

Wolfram sat staring mindlessly through his cabin’s window, subconsciously counting how many clouds it took to pass over his homeland of Erealia. He didn’t want to look at it. He didn’t want to think about it. Yet for some unknown reason his own body seemed to be torturing him with the memories of his mother. It was guilt. Wolfram pursed his lips as his stomach twisted at the thought of his loving mother to whom he had lied for the past seven years. He still told her he was a painter, he continued to fill her head with untruths to avoid telling her that he had gone against her wishes and had become a soldier. Even when he had taken leave to visit her in Boston last fall he had quickly pulled together some paintings to keep up the appearance of being a painter.

Shaking his head he forced himself to stand, knees wrenching like rusting gears as they were urged into movement. He didn’t want to think about it any longer. With an almost fevered pace Wolfram yanked on his uniform and gathered up his sword. He gripped the hilt as if it were a lifeline, and tried to remind himself that it gave meaning to his life. Every day he put on a play for himself, stepping in to the shell of a character whose life was made valuable by the ‘noble’ pursuits of a soldier.

However his guilt over his mother often brought doubt. As he slashed with a sword his hand hesitated. He wondered if perhaps he had  been born the for the brush, if he had been born to be useless.  The sword, the gun, all of it was made unsatisfying through his constant lies to his mother, yet he clung to it. It was what his brothers had done. They had fought. They had been men, and what else would Wolfram want to be than a man?

Yes, it was what he was supposed to be. No one would ever take him seriously should the word ‘artist’ or ‘lover’ leave his lips. Those words would have condemned him to the title of ‘gentleman,’ and as Wolfram had found, ‘gentleman’ was just a glorified word for ‘spoiled’ and ‘useless.’  Being a soldier was a way to go beyond himself to serve others. This was what he wanted to do. What he was born to do.

He was going to prove it. To everyone, to his comrades, and to himself, he was going to prove that he was useful.

First Person (journal):

Hmph. How dare they? That insolent brat. Where do they get the nerve to insult my honor? Just because I tend to my looks as a proper gentleman should does not give them license to call me a woman, of all things. It is absurd.

It is a matter of self-respect, not to mention a common courtesy, to look respectable when in public. Though I shouldn’t expect a backwater recruit like him to know that. I was always taught by mother that first impressions are most valuable. So often it is the only one you will get, especially if you start off with such a common drawl as his.

I, on the other hand intend to represent my honorable family in full form. It would be a horror to bring any form of shame and disgrace to my name. My brothers are great soldiers fighting honorably for the betterment of all of Reial and I now follow in their footsteps.  I must look and act the part through using all of my capabilities in their highest form. This, as one can see, would include my ability to utilize my beauty to its fullest capacity.

Therefore, I am no woman. I am merely a…. diplomat , of sorts.

It all comes down to politics.
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