Elena being adopted actually didn't bother me that much, at least not nearly as much as the Damon-murdering-and-turning-Vickie nonsense which really screwed with Damon's character. While I like TV!Damon, at times, he comes across as too nutty and over-the-top to be Damon. I kind of went "Oh, okay. That actually makes sense, kinda" at the adoption.
Alaric... I like TV!Alaric but it also feels like I'm watching someone's fanfic re-imagining of the series. I read that Meredith has been cast for this show but I have yet to see anyon In some places, it seems the writers have been possessed by the spirit of Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor from Home Improvement to give it MORE POWER. Though in the case of this show, it's more like MORE DRAMA. XD;
I actually loled at the flashbacks with Alaric and his wife because I kept wondering if his wife was supposed to be Meredith. I read that Meredith has been cast for this show but I have yet to see anyone that even remotely resembles Meredith unless she was supposed to be the bitchy black girl at the car wash with Bonnie in an earlier episode.
I referred to this show as "Dawson's Crypt" in my Twitter today and this is what it's rapidly turning into. XD; But then what do you expect from Kevin Williamson. I had the overwhelming urge to look up screencaps of James Van Der Beek (sp?) and Photoshop him with fangs and red eyes toward the end of this episode. XD;
I'm still enjoying it but I'm enjoying it the same way I enjoy cheesy teen romance movies or soap operas. The Vampire Diaries is an entertaining show, don't get me wrong, but it's hard to take it seriously sometimes because it's so campy. XD;
Nina Dobrev continues to be very hot, however, and Elena needs to get drunk and hang out with Damon more often. And I'm still very fond of TV!Stefan. ♥