Oct 01, 2004 12:17
So Im here using a computer at the smoothie place. i just got out of a training/orientation. Yes I have found a job and I just made a pretty 5 dollars and 15 cents! HA! I am now a "campus caller". I call alumni and ask them to pledge money to the university. AND i only have to work two nights a week. Too bad its only 5.15 an hour. But, its something.
So Ive recently discovered that alot of people here in the department dont like me very much. Mostly based on preconceived notions. Some think Im stuck up because I dance well and dont laugh while Im in class. Some think that I remind them of this Ronnie kid whom no one likes. My used to be hot neighbor doesnt like me either. He apparently told his big brother that I creep him out. If trying to be social with a theatre person that lives next door to you is crazy someone tell me now. What the fuck ever. Today as I was leaving the apartment and locking the door I saw him open his door, see me, and go back inside. I dont know whats going on, but i have never felt like this before. I havent changed, Im seriously being as nice as I can. Why does no one like me?
My entries are seldom positie huh?