Sounds like your summer was pretty amazing! I can't wait until I can apply for a position w/ CCI! You were right about the ministry not being as strong as it could be,:( during our week. That is one thing I wish could have been different, but our youth group has progressed so much since then. I am still amazed every time I come to church. We have a YOUTH GROUP! And I know it all started w/ this trip, and you leaders, and the service projects and every time we had together to do things as a group. I can relate to you about your second team (the ones who were 1/2 rich and 1/ else). That's pretty much how our non-youth group was. Which was why it suprised me so much to see how well we bonded and worked together. What did you mean about Mr. Jimmy leaving? Did something go wrong? Did he come back after your free week? Mrs. Courtney never said anything about him leaving Grand Bahama. I even asked about him last time I saw her (about a week ago) and she told me all kindsa updates w/ their family. I hate that your last students didn't get to know you. They missed out! I don't think my trip woulda been the same if you, mr. Jim and Rebekah were different leaders. YOu left such a lasting impression on me.
I will definitely be praying for you (about your meeting w/ the pastor)! I know you can do it, so you really shouldn't worry aobut it. If you treat those guys the way you treated us, you will be the most fantastic leader they've every had :)! Read Matt. 6:25-27 (I'm sure you have before) it helps me when I'm anxious about anything.
It was great to see how the rest of your summer went. Oh! When Jess and I were in Chicago, we heard a lot on the news about a horrible hurricane going thru pensacola and eveyrone had to evacuate, but we couldn't really get details b/c we didn't ever have time to watch the news all that much. But when we heard that, we were definitely in prayer for your family and your home. So, did they have to evacuate or was that an exaggeration on the weather channel's part?
Mr. Jimmy was OK, he was supposed to leave that day, and Greg took his place. Pensacola is fine, and I appreciate your prayers. There is a hole in my roof, but it's only a little one :).
I will definitely be praying for you (about your meeting w/ the pastor)! I know you can do it, so you really shouldn't worry aobut it. If you treat those guys the way you treated us, you will be the most fantastic leader they've every had :)! Read Matt. 6:25-27 (I'm sure you have before) it helps me when I'm anxious about anything.
It was great to see how the rest of your summer went. Oh! When Jess and I were in Chicago, we heard a lot on the news about a horrible hurricane going thru pensacola and eveyrone had to evacuate, but we couldn't really get details b/c we didn't ever have time to watch the news all that much. But when we heard that, we were definitely in prayer for your family and your home. So, did they have to evacuate or was that an exaggeration on the weather channel's part?
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