Aug 15, 2005 20:31
Man what a day. I really did not wanna go back. It was kinda weird though well some parts. Im glad I have friends in pretty much all of my classes so thats always good. Damn dude get me out a fucking knife and cut the tension.. woo need I go into furter detail...
My schedual
Photography - Rolinger
Chemistry - Rolinger
English - Peak
American History - Buford
PE - Clements
Algebra II - Evans
My whole 2nd thru 5th kinda suck because theyre all hard and Clements PE is NOT a blow off PE class damnit...but I dunno hopefully it shall be fun.
Yanno some guys are just dicks and fucking mean but whatever I dont care fuck em all...I guess I just never wanted to admit considering Ive known this about them for a loooong time. Whatever lifes a bitch sometimes.
I love James for yelling out the car window profanity directed at a certain ass hole, it makes me happy... I also love how he has classes with him and stares him down... we should all kick his ass. Id love to but hes so not worth it.
Fuck him, hes a liar and I guess I was just easy ass...